Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Proactive and Reactive Cyber Forensics Investigation Process

Proactive and Reactive Cyber Forensics Investigation Process PROACTIVE CYBER FORENSIC ANALYSIS Proactive And reactive cyber forensics investigation processes: A Systematic Literature Review(SLR) A multi-component framework of cyber forensics investigation Abstract—Digital Forensics can be defined as the ensemble of methods, tools and techniques used to collect, preserve and analyze digital data originating from any type of digital media involved in an incident with the purpose of extracting valid evidence for a court of law. In it investigations are usually performed as a response to a digital crime and, as such, they are termed Reactive Digital Forensic (RDF). This involves identifying, preserving, collecting, analyzing, and generating the final report. Although RDF investigations are effective, they are faced with many challenges, especially when dealing with anti-forensic incidents, volatile data and event reconstruction. To tackle these challenges, Proactive Digital Forensic (PDF) is required. By being proactive, DF is prepared for incidents. In fact, the PDF investigation has the ability to proactively collect data, preserve it, detect suspicious events, analyze evidence and report an incident as it occurs. Index Terms—Digital forensics, Digital Proactive Forensics, Digital reactive forensics, Digital device storage, digital crime, Anti forensics, multi component framework Introduction Computer crimes have increased tremendously and their degree of sophistication has also advanced, the volatility and dynamicity of the information that flows between devices require some proactive investigation. The reactive investigation is now becoming less practical since the increased sizes of the data that is being investigated and underlying technology of the devices that change tremendously make the tools made for digital reactive forensics useless In order to investigate anti-forensic attacks and to promote automation of the live investigation, a proactive and reactive functional process has been proposed.. The phases of the proposed proactive and reactive digital forensics investigation process have been mapped to existing investigation processes. The proactive component in the proposed process has been compared to the active component in the multi- component framework. All phases in the proactive component of the new process are meant to be automated. To this end, a theory for the proactive digital forensics is necessary to lay down a strong foundation for the implementation of a reliable proactive system. I. Anti-Forensics The term anti-forensics refers to methods that prevent forensic tools, investigations, and investigators from achieve- ing their goals. Two examples of anti-forensic methods are data overwriting and data hiding. From a digital investigation perspective, anti-forensics can do the following: Prevent evidence collection. Increase the investigation time. Provide misleading evidence that can jeopardize the whole investigation. Prevent detection of digital crime. To investigate crimes that rely on anti-forensic methods, more digital forensic investigation techniques and tools need to be developed, tested, and automated. Such techniques and tools are called proactive forensic processes. Proactive forensics has been suggested in. To date, however, the definition and the process of proactive forensics have not been explicated. II. Proactive digital forensics Proactive Digital Forensic Component has the ability to proactively collect data, preserve it, detect suspicious events, gather evidence, carry out the analysis and build a case against any questionable activities. In addition, an automated report is generated for later use in the reactive component. The evidence gathered in this component is the proactive evidence that relates to a specific event or incident as it occurs. As opposed to the reactive component, the collection phase in this component comes before preservation since no incident has been identified yet. Phases under the proactive component are defined as follows: Proactive Collection: automated live collection of predefined data in the order of volatility and priority, and related to a specific requirement of an organization or incident. Proactive Preservation: automated preservation, via hashing, of the evidence and the proactively collected data related to the suspicious event. Proactive Event Detection: detection of suspicious event via an intrusion detection system or a crime-prevention alert. Proactive Analysis: automated live analysis of the evidence, which might use forensics techniques such as data mining and outlier detection to sup- port and construct the initial hypothesis of the incident. Report: automated report generated from the proactive component analysis. This report is also important for the reactive component and can serve as the starting point of the reactive investigation.[1] III Reactive Digital Forensics It the traditional or post-mortem approach of investigating a digital crime after an incident has occurred. This involves identifying, preserving, collecting, analyzing, and generating the final report. Two types of evidence are gathered under this component: Active: Active evidence refers to collecting all live (dynamic) evidence that exists after an incident. An example of such evidence is processes running in memory. Reactive : refers to collecting all the static evidence remaining, such as an image of a hard drive. Previous Work Proactive Vs Reactive Forensics Investigation framework Complexity of Digital Forensics investigation Digital attacks are so complex that it is hard to investigate them forensically. The elements involved in a digital crime are located in a large multidimensional space and cannot be easily identified. With the increase of storage size and memory sizes, and the use of parallelism, virtualization and cloud, the parameters to take into account during an investigation can even become unmanageable. Five fundamental principles The five fundamental principles are stated below: Principle 1 Consider the entire system. This includes the user space as well as the entire kernel space, file system, network stack, and other related subsystems. Principle 2 Assumptions about expected failures, attacks, and attackers should not control what is logged. Trust no user and trust no policy, as we may not know what we want in advance. Principle 3 Consider the effects of events, not just the actions that caused them, and how those effects may be altered by context and environment. Principle 4 Context assists in interpreting and understanding the meaning of an event. Principle 5 Every action and every result must be processed and presented in a way that can be analyzed and understood by a human forensic analyst. These five are for reactive analysis , for proactive there must be some new principles. Soltan Abed Albari proposed the following two : Principle 6 Preserve the entire history of the system. Principle 7 Perform the analysis and report the results in real time. By preserving the entire history of the system, we can go back in time and reconstruct what has happened and answer reliably all the necessary questions about an event or incident. The reconstructed timeline is based on the actual states of the system before and after the event or incident. In addition and due to the large amount of data, events and actions involved, performing a proactive analysis and reporting require real time techniques that use high-performance computing. The analysis phase should be automated and have the necessary intelligence to investigate the suspicious events in real time and across multiple platforms. Figure 1 Relation between action ,target events[1] In addition to the actions and events that the seven principles listed above emphasize, we introduce the notion of targets. A target is any resource or object related to the system under investigation e.g., a file, memory, register, etc. We will use an element of DF investigation to refer to a target, an action or an event. At a time t and as shown in Figure 3.1, the system is in the process of executing an action that reacts to some targets and events, and produces new targets and events or modifies the existing ones. A model for Proactive digital forensics The model below has two major parts Forward system Feedback system Forward system is the one upon which investigation is performed. Both systems the forward and the feedback can be modelled as a tuple (T,E,A), where T is a set of targets, E is a set of events, and A is a set of possible actions each of which is viewed as a transfer function of targets and events. To clarify this, each target f ∈ T is associated with a set S(f) representing the possible states in which it can be. The Cartesian product of S(f) for all targets f defines the state space of the system’s targets and we denote it by T . We do the same for every event e but we consider S(e) to contain two and only two elements, namely ↑ (triggered event) and ↓ (not triggered event). The Cartesian product of all the system’s events (S(e) for every event e) is denoted by E (status space). An action a is therefore a function from Γ Ãâ€" T Ãâ€" E to T Ãâ€" E, where Γ represents the time dimension. The evolution function ψ is defined from Γ Æ" (T Ãâ€" E) Ãâ€" A to T Ãâ€" E by ψ(t,(~r,~e),a) = a(t,~r,~e)3. At a time t ∈ Γ, an event e is triggered if its status at time t is ↑, and not triggered ↓ otherwise. The notation ↑t e will be used to denote that the event e is triggered at time t Figure 2 proactive model[1] The forward system has three things that are linked. Target, event and action A. Target A target is any resource or object related to the system under investigation (e.g., a file, memory, register, etc.. We will use an element of DF investigation to refer to a target, an action or an event. At a time t system is in the process of executing an action that reacts to some targets and events, and produces new targets and events or modifies the existing ones. Therefore to describe the dynamics of the system at a single instant t, one needs to know at least the states of the targets, the events generated and the actions executed at t. For a full description of the dynamics, these elements of investigation need to be specified at every instant of time; and the complete analysis of the dynamics of the system requires a large multidimensional space Equations B. Events and Actions Keeping track of all events and targets is expensive. To reduce them, a few classifications using preorder and equivalence relations. To illustrate the idea behind these classifications, imagine a botnet writing into a file. This event will trigger other events including checking the permission on the file, updating the access time of the file, and writing the data to the actual disk. The idea behind our formalization is to be able to know which events are important (maximal) and which ones can be ignored. The same thing holds for the targets .This will optimize the cost and time . Short Theory on Events Let e1 and e2 be two events in E. We defined the relation ≠¤E on E as follows: e1 ≠¤E e2 if and only if ( ⇠Ã¢â€¡â€™ ) whenever the event e1 happens at a time t, the event e2 must also happen at a time t0 greater than or equal to t. Formally, this can be expressed as: e1 ≠¤E e2 ⇠Ã¢â€¡â€™ (∀t ↑t e1 ⇒ âˆÆ't0 ≠¥ t ↑t0 e2) Subsequent events are those which are less than e . Short theory on targets Let ÃŽ ¨ be the mapping from T to E (Figure 3.10) that associates each target with its change of status event. The mapping ÃŽ ¨ and ≠¤E induces a preorder relation ≠¤T defined by T1 ≠¤T T2 ⇠Ã¢â€¡â€™ ÃŽ ¨(T1) ≠¤E ÃŽ ¨(T2) Informally, this means that whenever target T1 changes at time t the target T2 must change at t0 ≠¥ t. Short Theory on Actions The set of actions A is extended to  ¯ A using the following operators: An associative binary operator called sequential operator and denoted by ;. Given two actions a1 and a2, the action a1;a2 is semantically equivalent to carrying out a1 and then a2 (the two transfer functions are in series). Note that ∅A is a neutral element of A with respect to ; (i.e., a;∅A = ∅A;a = a for every action a). A commutative binary operator called parallel operator and denoted by ||. In this case a1||a2 is equivalent to carrying a1 and a2 simultaneously (the two transfer functions are in parallel). The action ∅A is also a neutral element of A with respect to ||. A conditional operator defined as follows. Given two conditions ci and ce in C, and an action a, the operator ciace represents the action of iteratively carrying out a only when ci is true and stopping when ce is false. That is denoted by a ce. Note that if both are true, then ci a ce is a. Zone Base Classification of Investigation Space To address the limitation of the classification described previously and address the undesirability issue , classify the event and target state into a set of priority zones. These zones can be represented with different colors: green, yellow, and red; starting from a lower priority to a higher one. When important events/targets with high-priority levels are triggered, a more thorough analysis is expected. Moreover, the zones can be used as a quantifying matrix that provides numbers reà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ecting the certainty level for the occurrence of an incident. In our case, this number is an important piece of information in the final report. The high-priority events can involve one of the following: IDS, Antivirus, Firewall off and changing the windows system32 folder. On the other hand, the high-priority targets are the system32 folder, registry, network traà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã†â€™c and memory dump. Given that the number of targets and events are large, this classification is not enough, especially during the analysis phase. As such, we need to reduce the forensic space. Similar to the principal component analysis technique [59], we suggest restrict- ing the analysis to â€Å"important† targets and events based on a specific organization policy. This can be seen as projecting the full forensic space F onto a sub-space F0 in which the evidence is most probably located. Figure 3 Zone base classification [1] Conclusion In this paper we proposed a new approach to resolve cybercrime using Proactive forensics with focusing on the Investigation space for proactive investigation. This paper reviews literature on Proactive forensic approaches and their processes. It has a method for proactive investigation to be carried out significantly. In order to investigate anti-forensics methods and to promote automation of the live investigation, a proactive functional process has been proposed. The proposed process came as result of SLR of all the processes that exist in literature. The phases of the proposed proactive digital forensics investigation process have been mapped to existing investigation processes. For future work , the investigation space profiling is to be done on events and targets in the space. References Proactive System for Digital Forensic Investigation, Soltan Abed Alharbi, 2014 University of Victoria Mapping Process of Digital Forensic Investigation Framework A new approach for resolving cybercrime in network forensics based on generic process model. Mohammad Rasmi1, Aman Jantan2, Hani Al-MimiY. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, A System for the Proactive, Continuous, and Eà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã†â€™cient Collection of Digital Forensic Evidence Towards Proactive Computer-System Forensics Requirements-Driven Adaptive Digital Forensics Multi-Perspective Cybercrime Investigation Process Modeling A Forensic Traceability Index in Digital Forensic Investigation Network/Cyber Forensics Smartphone Forensics: A Proactive Investigation Scheme for Evidence Acquisition

Monday, January 20, 2020

It’s Time to Regulate the Use of Cell Phones on the Road :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

It’s Time to Regulate the Use of Cell Phones on the Road When a cell phone goes off in a classroom or at a concert, we are irritated, but at least our lives are not endangered. When we are on the road, however, irresponsible cell phone users are more than irritating: They are putting our lives at risk. Many of us have witnessed drivers so distracted by dialing and chatting that they resemble drunk drivers, weaving between lanes, for example, or nearly running down pedestrians in crosswalks. A number of bills to regulate use of cell phones on the road have been introduced in state legislatures, and the time has come to push for their passage. Regulation is needed because drivers using phones are seriously impaired and because laws on negligent and reckless driving are not sufficient to punish offenders. No one can deny that cell phones have caused traffic deaths and injuries. Cell phones were implicated in three fatal accidents in November 2003 alone. Early in November, two-year-old Morgan Pena was killed by a driver distracted by his cell phone. Morgan’s mother, Patti Pena, reports that the driver â€Å"ran a stop sign at 45 mph, broadsided my vehicle and killed Morgan as she sat in her car seat.† A week later, corrections officer Shannon Smith, who was guarding prisoners by the side of the road, was killed by a woman distracted by a phone call (Besthoff). On Thanksgiving weekend that same month, John and Carole Hall were killed when a Naval Academy midshipman crashed into their parked car. The driver said in court that when he looked up from the cell phone he was dialing, he was three feet from the car and had no time to stop (Stockwell B8). Expert testimony, public opinion, and even cartoons suggest that driving while phoning is dangerous. Frances Bents, an expert on the relation between cell phones and accidents, estimates that between 450 and 1,000 crashes a year have some connection to cell phone use (Layton C9). In a survey published by Farmers Insurance Group, 87% of those polled said that cell phones affect a driver’s ability, and 40% reported having close calls with drivers distracted by phones. Scientific research confirms the dangers of using phones while on the road. In 2003 an important study appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The authors, Donald Redelmeier and Robert Tibshirani, studied 699 volunteers who made their cell phone bills available in order to confirm the times when they had placed calls.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

An Academic Intervention Model

IntroductionThere is a societal division that lies at the bosom of Irish 2nd degree instruction. Students from deprived or lower socio-economic groups tend to rule in the vocational instruction sector while pupils from the higher societal strata seem to swerve towards voluntary instruction ( spiritual ) sector. In England, at the terminal of a kid ‘s primary instruction, normally at the age of 12-14 old ages the Eleven plus scrutiny is administered to pupils. The intent of the Eleven plus scrutiny is to prove a pupil ‘s ability to work out jobs utilizing verbal logical thinking, non-verbal logical thinking mathematics and English. The intent of this scrutiny is to find which type of school the pupil will go to on completion of their primary instruction: a grammar school, a secondary school, or a proficient school. In Ireland, the Primary Certificate scrutiny became mandatory for students in 6th criterion in 1943, dwelling of three written documents in Irish, English and a rithmetic. It was later abolished in 1967 go forthing no tantamount system of streaming. The patterned advance from primary school to secondary school in Ireland has its ain ( less overt ) choice procedure. The choice procedure is that of the parents and the pupils themselves make up one's minding which sort of secondary school they will go to. Second-level instruction in Ireland comprises of voluntary secondary, vocational, community and comprehensive schools. All of these schools offer the Certificate classs prescribed by the Department of Education and Science, enter their pupils for the same national scrutinies and are capable to review by the Department. The determination, hence, on which school to go to, is based on the community ‘s cultural perceptual experience of that peculiar school. There is a class-structured position of instruction which prevails really much within 2nd degree instruction. This category differentiation between the voluntary secondary school and the vocational secondary school is really prevailing. The division has a civilization which associates the more academically capable pupil with the voluntary secondary school and the less academic pupil to the vocational secondary school. A Brief History of Vocational Education in Ireland { In order to understand how this division is present today, when both schools operate the same class course of study, offering the Junior and Leaving Certificate scrutinies. We must look at the development of vocational instruction in Ireland since the late 19th century. } The Vocational Education Act of 1930 was the first major instruction enterprise of the so Irish Free State. Even today, this Act has a strong influence on the execution of current educational policy. The intent of the Act was to set up vocational instruction in Ireland that would offer â€Å" proficient and continuation instruction. † Vocational Education Committees were established in every county and the schools they ran were known as ‘technical schools. ‘ The proficient school offered an alternate to the more academically focussed course of study of the voluntary secondary schools. Up to 1967, the Primary Certificate was the recognized making awarded to pupils between the ages of 12 and 14 on completion of primary instruction. Today, the Eleven Plus continues to be in a more voluntary capacity but more as an entryway test into a specific group of schools, unlike in the yesteryear where it was compulsory in nature In 1924, the Intermediate and Leaving Certificate programmes were introduced into secondary instruction. The Intermediate Certificate test was taken by pupils after a three twelvemonth rhythm. Students so progressed to the Leaving Certificate, which was completed after a farther two old ages. The Leaving Certificate was and still is the choice trial used to derive entree to third flat instruction. In 1947, the biennial Group Certificate was introduced for the vocational schools. It included practical appraisals and teacher appraisals of the pupils ‘ work. This was really different from the single-exam Intermediate and Leaving Certificates. The intent of the Group Certificate was to fix pupils for the employment. Prior to the debut of the Group Certificate, pupils would hold left instruction without any formal making. The debut of the Group Certificate reinforced the societal differences between the two instruction sectors, the vocational and the academic. The practical component of the Group Certificate appraisals and scrutiny reinforced the perceptual experience of vocational instruction as being of a lower value than that of the academic voluntary secondary school. Writing about vocational instruction in Ireland in the 1950s, John Coolahan in his book Irish Education, History and Structure ( 1981, p103 ) has this to state about the Group Certificate: ‘ [ it ] aˆÂ ¦was of a terminal character with small or no transportation value to foster formal instruction. ‘ He goes on to admit the negative perceptual experience of the vocational system. Sean O'Connor in his book, Post-primary instruction: now and in the hereafter ( 1968 ) felt that by comparing to the Numberss go toing voluntary secondary schools that: A little figure of parents, by penchant, sent their kids to vocational schools-mainly in the midlands-so that they might gain the Group Certificate, which offered well-paid occupations in Bord na Mona and the ESB. Otherwise, parents with any aspiration for their kids did non utilize the vocational system. ( p.28 ) . The demand to turn to this instability resulted in the debut of the Intermediate and Leaving Certificate into vocational schools in 1966. The course of study was besides expanded to include topics such as Building Construction, Agriculture, Economics, Engineering and Business Organisation. Although this went some manner to turn to the educational disparity between the two instruction sectors, vocational instruction was still thought of as inferior by Irish societal attitudes in their rating of proficient instruction. The assignment of Donagh O'Malley in 1967, as Minister for Education, brought reform and important alterations to Irish instruction. He broadened entree with the debut of free second-level instruction. He abolished the Primary Certificate, which resulted in the stoping of the narrow focal point on the three Primary Certificate scrutiny topics of Irish, English and Arithmetic. The inaugural greatly increased pupil registration in 2nd degree instruction. In 1972, the school go forthing age was increased to fifteen. By the late eightiess, society ‘s demand for this signifier of proficient instruction refering to trades, industries, commercialism and physical preparation was altering. This was further emphasised in 1989 by the Department of Education who introduced the Junior Certificate into vocational schools. . The debut of the Junior Certificate into vocational schools addressed portion of the makings disparity between the two educational sectors. For the first clip since its enception vocational instruction had equal position at the Junior Cycle as the voluntary secondary schools. Unfortunately, the perceptual experience of vocational instruction as being of a â€Å" lower category † is still apparent even today. Irish societal attitudes still tend to tie in vocational instruction as manual and practical-type instruction. Middle-class parents see voluntary secondary instruction as more esteemed academic-type of instruction which they feel will basically take to their kid procuring greater chances at third-level instruction and finally a white-collar occupation. Vocational schools still make up a important per centum of secondary schools. Of the 730 2nd degree schools in the state, 250 are vocational schools, providing for 30 % of all 2nd degree pupils ( Department of Education and Science 2010 ) . New Section Roscommon Community School, antecedently called Roscommon Vocational School, was in world a low accomplishing school. Morale and outlooks among pupils and instructors and parents was low. The assignment of the current principal caused the attitude of pupils and instructors to better well. Through a series of alterations instigated by him through audience with the pupils, parents and instructors turn toing countries such as pupil subject, general housework: school uniform/appearance, prep, attending, promptness and general behavior, staff preparation, staff motive etc. order returned to the school bettering with it staff and pupil morale. The school has now reached a tableland, and an chance has been created so that the political relations of divisiveness has been neutralised. Staff now have the accomplishments, attitude, vision, and willingness to develop originative ways to learn more efficaciously, wise man and engage parents and better academic accomplishment of the school. New SECTION ( DEFINITION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE CONCEPTS ) This thesis will try to place the factors that guarantee the effectual running of a school and look into how the â€Å" Academic Intervention Model † she developed, together with the staff and pupils, and the encouragement of parental engagement can develop societal interpersonal accomplishments, self-esteem, academic self-image, academic accomplishment and instructor, parent and pupil positions and attitudes. A schools ranking in the National League Tables is the flagstone of national and community perceptual experience of a school. It is a changeless challenge for a school to project itself in a positive visible radiation. School selling, good pupil classs and the figure of pupils come oning to third degree helps to maintain the pupil registration Numberss up. In the research survey, I will utilize my current topographic point of work as the ‘action research undertaking ‘ and will work with a group of 40 fifth and 6th twelvemonth pupils and their parents over a biennial period. Throughout the research the school will be known by the anonym of Fairhill Community School. Based on school records such as Leaving Certificate consequences, CAO, FAS and Job Applications it is apparent that the school does non bring forth many high accomplishing pupils. Alumnuss of the school would take up employment, apprenticeships or go to an institute of engineering and merely 5 % of pupils would procure a topographic point at university. The writer feels that an action research attack would outdo suit the research intended. Ernest Stringer states that: A cardinal premiss of community-based action research is that it commences with an involvement in the jobs of a group, a community, or an administration. Its intent is to help people in widening their apprehension of their state of affairs and therefore deciding jobs that confront them aˆÂ ¦ Community-based action research is ever enacted through an expressed set of societal values. In modern, democratic societal contexts, it is seen as a procedure of enquiry that has the undermentioned features: It is democratic, enabling the engagement of all people. It is just, admiting people ‘s equality of worth. It is emancipating, supplying freedom from oppressive, debilitating conditions. It is life heightening, enabling the look of people ‘s full human potency. ( Action Research, 1999, page 17 )

Friday, January 3, 2020

A Project On A Company - 1754 Words

The Purpose of doing this project is to get better understanding how to organize a company, and being able to predict about companies future revenues. Well in order for me to complete my entire project, I have to do a lot of researching. Well first, I went to visit Plaza College Library to see if I can get any sources for my project. But I couldn’t find any books pertaining to my company Exxon Mobil Corporation. So basically the library to me was just useful. So instead I used a couple of search engines such as, Google, Ask, and Bing. They were not all useful to be but Google search engine helped me with tons of information for my company. Google search engine gave me numerous of different websites that have answers to my portfolio questions. The most useful website for my project was the main is the main website for Exxon Mobil Corporation. And other websites like PublicCitizen.com, Businessethicscases.com, citizen.org and etc., so these sources gave me a lot of insights for my project. Another helpful source is my Business Organization textbook: â€Å"Business in Action†. This textbook gave me information for Part Four: Ethical and Social Responsibility, this section is in my portfolio project. My company main website gave me information about their history, strategies, business headquarters, and the chairman’s CEO letter. So basically all my sources that I discussed in this writing are very helpful. I have gathered more than five sources because the more information I’veShow MoreRelatedProject Management : A Company1538 Words   |  7 Pagesbusiness, a company has a particular process it goes through to create its product, â€Å"to produce as many of the products as the company can†. This traditional view is a steady-state process where the company continues going through the same process to build ever more of its product. 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